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The Tiny Bee Co, LLC

Natural Yellow Sea Sponge - Medium

Natural Yellow Sea Sponge - Medium

Regular price $12.50 USD
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Sea sponges are a perfect eco friendly option for daily use in your bath or shower. The smooth texture of the sponge provides gentle exfoliation and can be used with either bar soap, body wash or body scrub.

Size and shapes vary but range from 5-6 inches.

Care: Sea sponges should be cleaned after each use. To clean simply rinse thoroughly with hot water, squeeze out excess and allow to air dry.

Trim: In order to extend the life of your sponge use scissors to trim away and torn or ragged edges when the sponge is dry.

Disinfect: Though sea sponges naturally inhibit bacteria growth you still want to make sure you are keeping your sponge hygienic and disinfecting it roughly every 2 weeks. To disinfect add 1/4 hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of tea tree essential oil to a bowl of hot water.  Allow sponge to soak for 15-20 minutes before squeezing and allowing to air dry.

With proper care your sponge can last for years. Once it starts to break down to the point it becomes unusable you can just bury it in your garden or compost it.


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